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Thursday, 07-Nov-2024

 Bandung-Aeromodeling >> Etalase>>
  Etalase (lihat Semua)


Shows 1 - 10 of 17 Record(s), Page: <<First <Prev 1 2 Next> Last>>

ACS5504 - Treaded Light wheels 1.75” (2 pcs)
Treaded Light wheels 1.75” (2 pcs)
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 25,000

Qty :

ACS5505 - Treaded Light wheels 2” (2 pcs)
Treaded Light wheels 2” (2 pcs)
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 27,500

Qty :

ACS5507 - Treaded Light wheels 3” (2 pcs)
Treaded Light wheels 3” (2 pcs)
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 40,000

Qty :

ACS5509 - Treaded Light Tail Wheels 2.25”
Treaded Light Tail Wheels 2.25”
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 34,950

Qty :

ACS5512 - Main Landing Gear 3 mm Steel (2 pcs)
Main Landing Gear 3 mm Steel (2 pcs)
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 27,500

Qty :

ACS5513 - Main Landing Gear 4 mm Steel (2 pcs)
Main Landing Gear 4 mm Steel (2 pcs)
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 30,000

Qty :

ACS5514 - Main Landing Gear Wing Mounted 3 mm Steel (2 pcs)
Main Landing Gear Wing Mounted 3 mm Steel (2 pcs)
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 32,500

Qty :

ACS5515 - Main Landing Gear Wing Mounted 4 mm Steel (2 pcs)
Main Landing Gear Wing Mounted 4 mm Steel (2 pcs)
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 35,000

Qty :

ACS5516 - Mechanical Retractable Main L/G 46-61 (2 pcs)
Mechanical Retractable Main L/G 46-61 (2 pcs)
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 550,000

Qty :

ACS5517 - Dural Landing Gear .15 - .25
Dural Landing Gear .15 - .25
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 180,000

Qty :

Shows 1 - 10 of 17 Record(s), Page: <<First <Prev 1 2 Next> Last>>


  Produk Unggulan (lihat semua)
Price: Rp. 5,040,000 / Rp. 5,565,000 / Rp. 5,827,500
View: 378

Paket Combo Cessna 206 Electric cocok juga untuk pemula
Price: Rp. 1,410,750 / Rp. 1,505,750 / Rp. 1,695,750
View: 1,000

Airframe Panthera 46 WS 145cm R/C Aerobatic
Price: Rp. 856,500 / Rp. 1,056,000 / Rp. 1,440,000
View: 463

  Tutorial Teranyar (lihat semua)

Bagaimana merakit dan menerbangkan Rubber Powered Glider Pelangi-45
Merakit dan menerbangkan Rubber Powered Glider Pelangi-45 ternyata asyik juga, wah anak kecil juga bisa ya ? ... (Lihat)
Date Created: 17-Mar-2014
27990 people view it

Bagaimana merakit Free Flight Glider A2 (F1A) Super Endure 2200 CF Competition
Mau bertanding menerbangkan glider A2 ? Super Endure 2200 CF Competition solusi Free Flight Glider yang dapat diandalkan ... (Lihat)
Date Created: 03-Mar-2014
12110 people view it

Perawatan Helicopter RC
Tata cara perawatan helicopter R/C ... (Lihat)
Date Created: 24-Feb-2014
7699 people view it

  Tutorial Unggulan (lihat semua)

Asyiknya Belajar Merakit Sendiri Pesawat Model
Pelajar juga bisa merakit Pesawat Pelangi 50 chuck glider dan Pelangi 70 rubber powered Glider ... (Lihat)
Date Created: 01-Jun-2013
14071 people view it

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